Monday, October 19, 2009

Prairie Tale

by Melissa Gilbert

One thumb up, One thumb down.

In this memoir by actress Melissa Gilbert, best known for her role as Little House on the Prairie's Half-Pint, Laura, Ms Gilbert lets it all out. She tells of her habit from a young age of denying any feelings or opinions of her own. She relates her struggle to express emotions and to react honestly to reality. She shares her struggle with alcoholism. She tells of her heartaches and joys.

This is a touching story and Gilbert writes with hope for the future. She has finally "found herself" and seems to address other "lost" adults, to share the peace she's found.

Ms Gilbert also shares anecdotes of sexual promiscuity and drug use. She seems to embrace a strange, kind of eclectic spirituality composed of bits and pieces of this and that; whatever has helped her find peace.

The writing is good. The read is quick. Throughout, Gilbert shares "cameo" anecdotes of other famous personalities. If you like celebrity biography and soul searching, this book does it well.

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